Developmental Editor
Paranormal Romance Mystery Writer
As a developmental editor and fiction coach, Selina has guided writers from story idea to outline, edited novels, synopsis, and query letters, and coached pitch strategies for querying agents. Since 2008, she has written two paranormal adventure manuscripts, published 72 articles with Weekend Notes Brisbane, taught a character development class online and have attained a certification in leadership coaching and is a certified developmental editor and fiction book coach.
Selina believes stories help us to live multiple lives, develop emotional intelligence, and help us to consider what we might do if we were put in the character’s situation.
First Three Chapters Reviewed with Editorial Feedback and a Zoom chat
Manuscript Evaluation / Structural Editing with a Zoom chat to review feedback
Short Story Development Coaching - up to 5,000 words
One-to-One Coaching Zoom sessions focused on empowering your fiction writing skills, firming up your creative voice, and receiving developmental editing guidance you can implement as you go.
Check out Selina's blog posts for writing how-to, and to find out more about what she is writing and reading!
I could NOT have written a synopsis without her!
Dana Litito - Writer
Selina went above and beyond for me. From the first, she was encouraging, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable. She gave me invaluable notes on my manuscript, many positive, and many constructive, that helped me shape up my book for submission. She was extremely communicative and thoughtful and took great care of my work (and my ego!) at every step. I could NOT have written a synopsis without her! If you want someone dedicated to the craft of storytelling and writing, Selina is your person.
Writing About Writing
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